Xolotl, the force of sunset, twin to Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent, dog guide to spirits travelling to Mictlán, must die to feed the Sun. Xolotl ran into a cornfield and turned himself into a corn stalk, but was discovered. He ran into a maguey plant and he was discovered again. This time he ran into the water and transformed himself into an animal that never grows old and cheated its death, Axolotl.
Edition of 35. Linocut printed on Rives BFK.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

The tlaca, the people, were guided by the whispering voice of Huitzilopochtli, the southern hummingbird. The voice whispered that they must leave their homeland of Aztlán, place of the aztlatl, the white herons, and travel south, that their destiny was somewhere else. For 100 years they became wandering nomads until the voice would reveal the place and the sign in which they would build their homelend.
Edition of 35.
Linocut printed on RivesBFK.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Xapan went to the mountain to fast and purify himself. The Givers of Life charged Xaotl with the task of supervising Xapan’s penance. While on the mountain, he was tempted by a woman named Tlahuitzin and committed adultery. Xaotl decided that since he was charged with supervision, he was able to judge Xapan’s adultery and he decapitated him. The Givers of Life intervened and changed Xapan into a black scorpion and Tlahuitzin into a red scorpion. Xaotl was transformed into a grasshopper for having overstepped his authority that was given to him by the Givers of Life.
Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

The crocodile Cipactli writhed in the waters of the primordial darkness. The sun, animals and plants had not been created yet. Charged with the task to create the earth, Red Tezcatlipoca, feathered serpent and spirit of the wind, and Black Tezcatlipoca, keeper of memory and lord of darkness, wrestled with the beast and from its flesh and skin, they made the earth. Black Tezcatlipoca would lose a foot in the battle and the stump changed into a smoking mirror. The bumpy surface of Cipactli's skin became the mountains and valleys. From its eyes came spring waters and lakes.
Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

According to the Mexica, after the destruction of the Sun of Fire, the third attempt at creation of people were turned into turkey’s. Turkey is also the animal manifestation of the creation force, Tezcatlipoca. It is also known as Chalchiuhtotolin, the Jeweled Fowl, and was the force of disease and plague. When Tezcatlipoca manifested itself as a turkey, it was able to cleanse people of contamination, absolve them of guilt and escape their fate. For this reason, sorcerers and wizards devoted to Tezcatlipoca were believed to be able to transform into turkeys. This turkey however is in the market of Tlatelolco where merchants are discussing a fair price for it.
Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.

Linocut printed on cream Rives BFK.
Edition of 35.
Paper Size: 10 x 11 in.
Image Size: 5 x 5 in.